How often do you get to see a Ferrari parked next to a portable toilet?
Continue reading When two worlds collide: Ferrari + Port-A-Potty
Real world gas and driving data of a small SUV
This is probably more of a curiosity for data-minded people than anything, but here is the complete gas price, gas mileage, and miles driven for the nearly four years I drove a compact SUV.
Continue reading Real world gas and driving data of a small SUV
Amazing robot with perfect balance
Able to balance perfectly on only two wheels, you have to see the videos to appreciate just how cool this is!
Continue reading Amazing robot with perfect balance
Robotic microcontroller programmer (with video)
Anyone who’s read this blog for any amount of time knows that I love microcontrollers and projects made with them. Well, here’s a microcontroller project that creates more microcontrollers. Is this the beginning of a Terminator-esque future?
Continue reading Robotic microcontroller programmer (with video)
Phidgets: Easy to use USB circuit goodies
If you’ve ever wanted to be able to add easy USB interfacing to your electronic circuits, the Phidgets USB modules might just be what you need.
Continue reading Phidgets: Easy to use USB circuit goodies