I finally decided to bite the bullet and bought a real NAS for use at home. I decided on the QNAP TS-219P for a number of reasons I’ll discuss in the post. Also, I have plenty of screenshots showing the QNAP UI and a couple simple benchmarks comparing the performance to a USB disk attached to an Airport Extreme.
Category Archives: Computers
Stop Safari from opening PDFs inside the browser

It’s been a while since I posted, but today, I had to figure-out how to make the OS X version of Safari stop opening PDF files inside the browser since that’s one of my pet peeves.
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FPGA board emulates classic platforms

This cool projects aims to take the various FPGA-based arcade platforms and run them on a common piece of hardware, thus letting you play many games and platforms without having tons of equipment sitting around.
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Digital Apollo – the story of the first computers in space

Have you ever thought about how amazing it was when the Apollo space missions actually took someone to the moon considering that they didn’t have the fancy technology we have today? This book recounts the design and use of the on-board Apollo digital computers.
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Seagate tech support is cut and paste garbage
Contrary to the wonderful support I received from Logitech some time ago, the brand new Seagate 1TB FreeAgent drive I just bought exemplifies the worst in support.
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