Using this cool project, you can interface a PIC to transmit all sorts of codes for your projects!
Continue reading DIY radio frequency remote control that’s PIC based
Category Archives: Electronics
Guide to help you choose a microcontroller
If you’re wondering how to select a microcontroller for your next project, this guide might be helpful.
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Microcontroller learning kit makes it easy
Having grown-up with one of those Radio Shack 50-in-one electronics kits (which I still have!) I have first-hand knowledge that those kind of guided-learning/sandbox kits can be educational and interesting to both kids and adults. The field of electronics has changed quite a bit since my 20+ year old kit was produced and one of the huge changes has been the emergence of microcontrollers.
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Home-built OLED wristwatch that plays Pong
This cool project combines an OLED (organic LED) display, some clever programming, careful casing design, and a great idea to create the self-playing Pong wristwatch.
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Build your own microcontroller tree ornaments
These are ultra geeky tree ornaments which are assembled in a clever manner.
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