All posts by Mike S

Entertainment shopping? Swoopo is a great cash generator

Swoopo TV auction screenshot
Swoopo TV auction screenshot

I found a new site last night that lured me in with low prices on nice items. However, after watching the site overnight, I can see that I will never bother bidding on any of these auctions, but there’s a great profit-generating machine behind these auctions you’ll be amazed to see.
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Digital Apollo – the story of the first computers in space

Digital Apollo book covers the computer technology of the Apollo space missions
Digital Apollo book covers the computer technology of the Apollo space missions

Have you ever thought about how amazing it was when the Apollo space missions actually took someone to the moon considering that they didn’t have the fancy technology we have today? This book recounts the design and use of the on-board Apollo digital computers.
Continue reading Digital Apollo – the story of the first computers in space