This awesome site has the complete audio of the original moon landing along with lots of interactive goodies.
With the 40th anniversary of the original moon landing this weekend, this post recognizes the amazing achievements of the men and women who made the incredible feat of putting a man on the moon possible. When you consider that they did this in the 60s without the aid of modern computers and the ability to simulate everything to the nth degree, it makes one wonder why it’s going to take NASA so long to *get back* to the moon.
Alas, I’m not hear to NASA bash as I feel they are one of the few useful recipients of a of my tax dollars.
That brings us to the website called We Choose The Moon. This interactive site has the full audio from the original moon landing mission so you can hear exactly how complex and cutting-edge this was for everyone involved back in the day. The site shows you the various stages of progress during the mission and lots more. Be sure to check out We Choose The Moon if you enjoy spaceflight or anything like that.