page features some items that I enjoy and you may also enjoy. I will not become
an advertising junkie on this site - I just wanted to put some links on the
site that will help me offset my costs. Frankly, I'm addicted to $50 computer
books, so every purchase you make through this page helps me out personally
and does not cost anything extra to you.
you know of a cool product that you think I may enjoy, please feel free to
send me a link and I may put it on here.
in advance, for anything you may link to through my page - Rest assured that
the referral bonus will go to good use! :^)
here is a link to a great credit card offer (in my opinion). It has no annual
fee, pays 3 points for every Amazon dollar you spend, 1 point for all other
purchases, and only takes 2,500 points to get a $25 Amazon gift certificate.
Best of all, you will get $20 to spend for simply signing-up! Just fill-out
the application and when you're approved (it took about 15 minutes for me),
they will add the account number to your Amazon account and the $20 gift certificate
will be available when you use the card for your next purchase. I use this
card personally, so I know it works!
The movie studios have decided to release the awesome Indiana Jones movie
collection on DVD!!! I've been waiting for this for YEARS and it's finally
happening - I'm ecstatic! It should be released on November 4th and will consist
of FOUR discs - the 3 movies and an additional content disc (subject to change).
available for order at an excellent price!
Books and Other Goodies I personally recommend - you can tell a lot about
me from this list ;^)
of the Nerds - an incredible PBS documentary on the beginnings
of the personal computer industry. This is easily one of my favorite shows
to watch since it features interviews with the real stars of the industry.
This is not a drama - it's a documentary. Every time I watch this movie, I
get pumped to start some kind of company, but alas, I'm lazy and therefore
not a millionaire CEO :^) This is based upon the Accidental
Empires book by Robert X. Cringely (who hosts this DVD). Also available:
- Re-live the heyday of Vegas where the mobsters ran the casinos and corruption
was rampant. This movie is visually excellent, has plenty of violence :^)
and is a good story to boot. Plus, I love Vegas... Also available: VHS
and VHS
Widescreen. BTW, I'm watching it right now while I'm working on this page!
- What can I say - this is the most addictive game I've run across (check
the News on the main page!) It's a role-playing game that takes place in a
persistent online world that runs 24 hours a day. There are over 100 zones
(areas) to explore and literally thousands of swords, armor, magic spells,
etc. you can attain. The picture links to the Trilogy which includes the base
game, the Ruins of Kunark expansion and the Scars of Velious expansion. Other
EQ goodies available: Shadows
of Luclin expansion, Planes
of Power expansion, Legacy
of Ykesha expansion, EverQuest
for the Mac, and EverQuest
for the PS2.
in the Valley - an excellent non-fiction book about the
beginnings of the personal computer industry with a focus ont the battle between
Steve Jobs (Apple) and Bill Gates (Microsoft). This book was the basis for
the TNT drama Pirates
of Silicon Valley.
A Silicon Valley Adventure - this is one of my favorite
books (I've read it at least 3 times). The author, Jerry Kaplan, was the founder
of the Go Corporation that created the first pen-based computer. During the
creation of the company, Jerry kept daily notes and log entries which he used
to write this book. For people like me, this book provides incredible insight
into what it's like to start and run a high-tech startup. If you've ever dreamed
of starting your own tech company, this book is a MUST-read!
The Rise and Fall of Atari - This is a reprint of the
original book from the late 80's (which I own). If you're a video gamer who
grew-up in the golden-era of the arcades (Pac Man, Donkey Kong, Tempest, Joust,
Moon Patrol, Star Castle, Gyruss, and countless others) then you'll likely
enjoy this book. It chronicles the life of the eternal Atari Corporation who
was mostly responsible creating the arcade craze. I'm an Atari nut - if you
are, buy this!
First $20 Million is Always the Hardest - A fictional
story that takes place in Silicon Valley. It's a fun, lightweight read.
Empires: How the Boys of Silicon Valley
Make Their Millions, Battle Foreign Competition, and Still Can't Get a Date
- This is the book that the Triumph
of the Nerds TV documentary was based upon. I've read this several times
- each chapter covers one company or major event in computer history. This
makes it easy to just read various chapters as you feel like it. This was
also one of my first purchases from Amazon, if not the first. Wow - it's been
a while...
Tales: A Behind-The-Ears Look at Disneyland - A fun look
at all the events and happenings that you'll never hear about officially from
the land of the mutant mouse. Lots of stories about accidents, funny cast-member
screw-ups, and other entertaining snippets.
Mensa Guide To Casino Gambling: Winning Ways - The only
how-to book on casino gambling I still read. This book is written for people
who want to know WHY it's better to make a certain bet than another. It's
not a dry book at all, despite the "mensa" portion of the title
- it contains clear, easy-to-understand mathematical expalanations for the
various games as well as great drawings of the tables and what it's like when
you actually sit-down to play. If you are going to gamble, don't be uninformed
- get this book and you'll understand why you should avoid certain games and
how to play the "good" games properly for maximum return.
Complete Pinball Book - A great coffee-table style book
with huge, full-color pictures of games, both old and new. A fun book to leaf-through
while watching TV or to have available at your "arcade parties"
for guests to read.
Prop Builder's Molding & Casting Handbook - Ever wondered
how the Hollywood special effects crews make molds and castings? Ever want
to make your own for use in your pinball machines or other hobbies? This is
quite possibly the best "hands-on" beginner's book on the subject.
Pirates of Silicon Valley - A drama that's based upon
the Fire
in the Valley book. It's not 100% technically correct, but it's very fun
to watch and the actors do a wonderful job of portraying Steve Jobs and Bill
Gates. Unfortunately, this is only available on VHS - I keep hoping for a
DVD version, but TNT does not seem to be interested in making it.
Did you get an idea for something to search for? Do it here