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IJ Software Issues logo

This page attempts to list the bugs in the current version of the Indiana Jones software. I have been in contact with Williams regarding these bugs, and they are interested in hearing about them. Hopefully, someone there will be willing to take-on the project and give us one more revision that (hopefully) will eliminate most of the bugs. Cross your fingers!!

PLEASE... if you can verify these (or other) bugs in L-7, let me know! I want to get these to Williams as soon as possible. While it's not likely that they'll rev the software, we won't know until we try!

NOTE: Since Williams left the pinball business, you must obtain the ROM files from a 3rd party. Currently, the Internet Pinball Database hosts them. Older versions of the ROMs are available at that link, should you want them.

IJ Software version: L-7 (Download)

IJ Sound version: L-3 (Download)

If you have any other bugs, corrections, comments, etc., please let me know. I would like to get this list as correct as possible with the hopes that maybe, someday, they will be fixed.